Make a Cheap Home Made this fragrant Pine Cone Bridal Shower Favors
by Jackie Chapman
If you have a baby shower or bridal shower favors during the autumn season can be very inexpensive party your guests will be happy to accept. You can buy favors, but it will cost you more money if you get a little creative and do it myself. An abundance of pine trees in the fall and will party favors to bathe.This cone is a simple aid to be done. You must pine and cinnamon. That's all you need to make a cone. Once you collect a cone and then sprinkle cinnamon and what I do is tie them in a large garbage bag and let stand for several days so that all pine trees will be saturated with the smell of cinnamon. You can use cinnamon oil cinnamon, instead of the smell again. However you want to put them in a large plastic bag to saturated.
Once you have saturated and then take you and put some of them in small baskets, or if you use a smaller cone, you can put some in a cup of coffee or other types of small containers that will display well. You can even buy a small glass vase at a dollar store and put the cone in that it is not only beautiful, but useful.
The fragrant pines remain so for several months and fragrant. There are many different sizes you can choose to enroll in a container that you choose. Your guests will love it and it was delicious bath great bridal shower favors you can give them that will not break the bank.
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