Some are synthetic and some are made of human hair. The natural hair of Caucasians is different from that of Asians or Afro-Caribbeans and you should choose an extension that will match your own hair.
They come in many varieties and can be pre-colored, pre-highlighted or pre-permed with curls or a body wave. Depending on how it was attached, you may need to have your hair extension re-done after 6 or 8 weeks, or it might last up to 4 months. Re-attaching will always be periodically necessary because our natural hair continues to grow, the bonding agent becomes loose, life happens, and you’ll need to re-adjust and refresh your hair’s appearance.
What are hair extensions? Hair extensions are hairpieces that can be attached to your natural hair or scalp; they enhance the thickness of your hair or the length. There are several kinds, but the most popular ones are
• Strands, small clusters of about 30 pieces of hair
• Wefts, slightly larger curtains of hair, joined at the top and free flowing at the ends. The best wefts are hand-made, not machine-made.
• Braids and dreadlocks, which are pre-wound.
How are hair extensions attached?
• Strands are woven, glued, or clipped to your natural hair. If they’re clipped, you can take them off easily any time. If they’re glued, various bonding agents may be used and care must be taken to protect your scalp and natural hair.
• For wefts, your stylist will make a small corn row or weave in your natural hair, and sew the weft to this weave. This method uses no chemicals.
• Braids are usually woven in with your own hair and again no chemicals are used.
What kind of hair extension would best suit me? That’s a very personal matter and should be decided between you and your stylist. There are extensions for every kind of hair, even thin and baby-fine hair. Your stylist will assess your hair type, discuss how you would like to look and whether it’s possible given your particular circumstances and hair status, and explain alternatives. When an extension is decided upon, she will personally customize it to match your hair, will attach it, explain how she’s doing it, and give you information on how to care for it.
How do I care for my hair extension?
• Hair extensions can be shampooed, styled and brushed the same as your natural hair, but don’t try to alter their color. This should be professionally done.
• The most important thing is to be gentle with it so as to preserve the bond attaching it.
• Use a soft bristle brush and brush out tangles from the bottom ends up towards your head.
• At night, to avoid matting, tie it up or braid it if it’s fairly long, and never sleep with wet or damp hair.
• Avoid using any silicone-based products or conditioners on the extension where it is bonded to your natural hair, as this will make the extension slip off.
Does it hurt to get a hair extension? No, not when it’s properly done. In the first day or two it will feel a little heavy perhaps, and this added weight on your head may feel slightly uncomfortable until you get used to it. The process of attaching it should not hurt at all. If it does, something isn’t right. Sometimes if the cornrow method is being used, the weaving might be done too tightly, pulling too hard on your scalp. This can even cause headaches. But you should not accept this. The weaving doesn’t have to be so tight that it’s painful.
You may come across stories of how a person’s hair was broken, burned, or otherwise damaged by their hair extension. The odds are that this person had it done by an untrained stylist, or one with little experience.
Hair extensions, as their name suggests, are sections of hair added to your own natural hair, giving it added volume and length, even changing its style. Hair Extensions can be real or synthetic. The most expensive and most natural looking extensions are made from human hair. Other alternatives are animal hair, treated human hair, and synthetic fibers.
Hair extensions are available in many different colors, textures, styles, and lengths. A skilled stylist can choose hair extensions that are virtually indistinguishable from your own hair. Extensions made from human hair can be styled after application. This enables wearers to have greater flexibility and naturalness in their daily style. Human Hair Extensions, on the other hand, is colored and styled before application and cannot be changed.
Hair extensions can be applied in a variety of ways depending on your needs and budget. For a fun, inexpensive, and temporary change of style, consider clip-on extensions. These are available at most department stores. Ponytail extensions are popular choices in clip-ons. Though clip-ons are generally not available in subtle color variations, they do come in all of the more common shades.
For a larger commitment in time and money, hair extensions can also be attached to hair by weaving, sewing, braiding, gluing, and tubing. Some of these methods can last from two to six months with proper application and maintenance. These methods should be performed in a salon. To determine which method best suits your lifestyle and your hair, do your research and speak to a qualified professional. For the health of your natural hair, make sure the person applying the extensions is a licensed cosmetologist.
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